Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Almost slipped by!

Oops, Callia is five months old today and it almost slipped by without me noticing! I can't believe she's almost half a year. So here is an update:

- weighs in at about 11 lbs 10oz
-rolls over from tummy to back - at least in bed when she's trying to see the door
-laughs when I sing eensy weensy spider and make the spider go up her leg
-laughs when you nuzzle her neck
-loves grabbing hair, faces
-tries to sit up in her bouncy seat
-really watches us eat
-often nurses now in less than 15min. - very nice
-has about three naps a day - ususally two of them are at least 2 hours
-chats quite a bit
-likes to play with her soother and can hold onto it and stick it in her mouth
-mostly sucks fingers and thumb
-been sleeping in her crib at night
I think that's about it. I was worried about school starting and when she would sleep but I think it'll work. This little girl is the most flexible baby I've ever had. She really is an angel at home - I say at home b/c when were out with lots of people she can seem fussy but at home she is soooo good!! Maybe she doesn't like too many people like her Poppa?

1 comment:

Candice said...

Haha !! I think Rhys weighs more than her already. He was 11 lbs 4 oz at one month ! Nice that she's staying "little" for you :o)