Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fine China and Candlelight

Nope - not talking about an anniversary or my bday or Valentine's Day but Ethan's birthday. We let the kids choose their birthday dinner - it can be home made or a restaurant and Ethan chose to have ribs (so YUMMY!) and wanted the china and candles too. If you had told me 7 years ago when I had my first baby boy that he would request china and candles I would have laughed!!

I can't believe Ethan is 7. This time 7 years ago he had not been born for even an hour. I love Ethan so much - though he has a way to drive me completely insane. Ethan loves his siblings (even though he sometimes declares life would be better with out them) - he will help with Callia, he will hold her and play with her. Him and Aiden play together and he can be kind to Christian and play trains with him. Ethan is a smart kid (if I do say so myself) and so sometimes his mouth gets him into A LOT of trouble (maybe it would even if he wasn't so bright) but at the same time he can come up with the sweetest comments to his siblings or to me. He has an incredible memory and it is often so cool to hear what he has to say about things we've done in the past. Life is always interesting when Ethan is around - one never knows what is going to come out of his mouth next! I do pray that as he grows that God will continue to work on his heart and that what comes out of his mouth will glorify God and will lead others to HIM. Love you Ethan!!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

WOW! THat sounds so much like my oldest!!