Friday, December 19, 2008

8 Months and going strong

I do have other things than my baby girl to blog about however, life has been busy and my other thoughts can wait - if I don't blog her monthly update I'll forget what's new. So, Callia is 8 months! She is weighing in at 14lbs. She LOVES her food. So far Callia will eat anything, except the fish I made for her - don't blame her it stinks. I have to make new stuff. Callia is sitting all the time, she sleeps on her belly for naps. She naps usually twice, sometimes three times a day. She is eating all her veggies, fruit, meat, cereal and yogurt. She loves Cheerios - though most still end up on the floor. Callia will not be a pacifist. She gets so excited when she watches her brothers wrestles. Her little legs start going a mile a minute. She can be very vocal - not so much with specific sounds but kind of yelling. The boys get irratated with her when she is noisy and they are trying to watch TV. Callia loves to give hugs and grabs our faces to give nice open mouthed kisses. Callia loves music - her legs and arms go nuts when she hears it. Love you little girl!!

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