Thursday, July 10, 2008

Step up to the plate

Okay everyone now is the time to step up to the plate. Most, if not all, have heard that Dr. Morgentaler is going to receive the order of Canada at the end of the month and many people are upset by this. I am, and I've decided to do something about it. I had an email sent to me by some family group last week urging me to write the gov., my pastor at church on Sunday urged us to write a letter and then today I was flipping channels while feeding Callia and there on 100 Huntley Street they were urging people to write. I ignored the first email I received, I guiltily ignored my pastor but today after being urged a third time I decided to do. I emailed the queen (according to the show it can make a difference and has in the past), the prime minister and a bunch of other people. Step up and do it people if you disagree with it. We often complain that we, as Christians, are never heard, that there is a minority out there with a very loud voice - well lets stop complaining to each other and lets do something about it -write - send an email. Let our voice be heard. I know we're all busy. My life is busy I have four kids, my hubby has been away and I've been busy packing for a little trip so I would rather be relaxing then trying to figure out a polite way to say that I disagree with this moron getting the highest civillian award Canada has to offer but I had to. This country needs us to start voicing our opinion. The email doesn't have to be long - it just has to be to the point and polite. You can get a bunch of email addresses from the 100 Huntley Street website - they have a button on the right side of their site that says Dr. Morgentaler (or something like that). Take a minute and do it - you'll feel like you've accomplished something (even more than you have already today).

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