Thursday, October 23, 2008

Five years!

My Aiden turned five this month. WOW! For months he had been asking for a Star Wars bday party but about two weeks b/f we were going to have it he changed his mind to a Hot Wheels party. I was kind of glad - I have nothing against Star Wars but Hot Wheels just seems more age appropriate - more innocent. Aiden had six kids to his party and I think everyone had a great time. We raced cars, played hot car potato, raced plasma cars outside, drew race car tracks and made goody bags. Now Christian wants a hot wheels party too.

Aiden is such a sweet boy. He is very full of emotion - which can be very frustrating at times but I think it'll end up being a good thing. I was worried at the beginning of the year that he would have a hard time making friends b/c of his speech but he is having no problems. In fact he invited three friends from school to come to his party where as Ethan had no friends yet that he wanted to invite when he was in kindergarten and we thought Ethan was the out going one. It so made me smile inside when I took him to soccer a few weeks ago and we were a bit late but when we arrived a bunch of the boys yelled out "Aiden" "Hi, Aiden" - obviously he is well liked. I'm not writing this to brag more like to let out a PRAISE that God has heard us and answered our prayer with regards to Aiden making friends despite the difficulty they may have understanding him.

Aiden loves to play with Ethan and though he won't admit it him and Christian play well together too. Aiden loves hot wheels, star wars, transformers, playmobil and building things. Aiden also doesn't stop talking at home - sometimes I tell him to be quiet. I feel kinda bad about it but for one thing sometimes I need quiet for another thing it can be tiring listening to him since you really have to listen sometimes to get what he is saying. Anyways, we love Aiden so much and hope that he has an amazing year!!

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