Sunday, February 22, 2009

10 months

Callia is changing way too quickly. This month she:
-bum scoots around the house
-goes to the edge of the stairs and gives and big grin when I say no
-she is eating everything we eat - she has eaten a jam sandwich, curry, chili, rice, melon, cheese etc.
-she weighs in at 16lbs 6oz
-has the best funny face that she usually makes while eating
-has a new cry/scream when she isn't getting the attention she wants
-loves buttons and jewelry
-often scoots to the car bin and looks thru them
-has had a couple of fights with Christian
-"helps" when getting dressed
-dances to music
-says - dadda, mamma, hi ya (of course none of these mean anything)
-waves bye when going up to sleep
-only chewed on two pieces of lego so far
Though she still has no teeth - which makes her eating skills quite amazing. I saw my cousin's newborn just last week and it really made me realize how big Callia is. (sniff) I'm now at the point where I could hold a newborn for somebody and love it since my baby is growing up so quickly. Callia is so good and easy going. We all love her to bits!

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