Friday, April 10, 2009


Yesterday the boys and I were walking home from swimming lessons when we there was almost a collision b/w two bikers and a couple of ladies. The ladies had just crossed the road and were on the sidewalk when two young teen boys came whipping by on their bikes - the boys mad no effort to move around the ladies and almost ran them over. I thought "what freaks". Then I heard a bike bell behind me and turned and a biker went by us and then said thank-you. When I turned I saw that it was a teenage boy who had down syndrome. I thought isn't it ironic the boys who are "normal" were rude, dangerous and had no common sense yet the boy who has the disability was polite and most importantly safe on his bike. Just made me think of how we view people b/c they are "normal" or how we view them b/c they have a disability - sometimes "normal" doesn't count for much.

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