Friday, August 1, 2008

Growing up can be fun!

A little crack.
think our friend took this cute pic.
Ethan and I waving a hello in the middle.
we buried all of the boys and shaped them into mermaids

A couple of weeks ago we spent the afternoon at Aldergrove Lake. We had such a great time. We built sandcastles with the kids,filled up the "river" and then Ethan wanted to swim across the lake. I said okay and off we went. Ethan took the float board in case he got tired and off we went. I wasn't sure if I would make it b/c I haven't really swam in a long time but I thought I gotta try. It was fun. We swam all the way across and back (and I was completely fine, even with all of the tredding of water I had to do while Ethan relished being in the middle of the lake). It was so great to do a big kid thing with Ethan that his sibs. couldn't do. It was a taste of how life changes as the kids get bigger - it's fun -it's fun to do the things I enjoyed doing like swimming or one day having to go on roller coasters with them, or biking or playing games. It's special to have a little baby to cuddle and coo over as well as a big boy to swim across a lake with!

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

looks like an amazing lake! Where in aldergrove is it?