Okay that's not really the right question b/c not matter what a cookie looks like I'm going to eat it - unless it's dripping with slobber and then maybe not. So I bought the large bar pan from pamper chef and from my understanding this pan is suppose to make everything turn our fabulous. I tend to disagree. I think it bites at making cookies. This is my second attempt at using it for cookies and both time my cookies have turned out flat (kind of look like an overstretched shirt) and are a yucky, uneven colour. I much prefer my old baker secret pan - the cookies turn out plump and evenly coloured. Anyways, maybe someone out there in blogger world has had better cookie making success and has suggestions. I do enjoy the pan for baking other things such as homemade fries or meat. Don't you worry though - ALL of the cookies will be gone in no time.
PS if you can't tell wich cookie I like best from the picture - it's the one on the left - this picture doesn't really show the true blahness of the pamper chef cookie.